Supervised Access

black icons of different family types

Supervised Access provides a safe, neutral, and comfortable environment for either an exchange of children between custody-sharing parents, or supervised visits with non-custodial parents. During access visits, parents do not come in contact with one another and important child-related information, including medication, health or behavioural concerns are communicated through the supervised worker.

Joanna and her team of associates have been providing supervised access in the community for over eight years. Joanna serves as the supervised access program coordinator.

When and why is Supervised Access needed?

Supervised Access is typically offered to families when parents are separated or divorced, and visits between a parent or family member and the child is unsafe or problematic. Many families in custody and access disputes are court ordered to use this service.

Very often there are specific concerns related to access including:

  • Conflict between the parents, as a result of the separation/divorce
  • Concerns or history of parental substance abuse or mental health issues
  • Concerns regarding parenting ability
  • Alleged spousal assault and/or an ongoing threat of assault
  • Allegations or fear of child abuse/neglect
  • Reunion of a parent and child after a lengthy separation
  • Concerns about flight risk or abduction
  • Inconsistency in the access visit schedule

Joanna’s Supervised Access Team Approach

Joanna’s supervised access team is sensitive to the needs of children, and will ensure that the children are safe and feel secure during visits. Positive parent/child interactions are encouraged during visits; the worker will intervene if there are safety concerns, or if a child or parent appears uncomfortable. At the end of each visit an accurate and detailed report of the visit is recorded and can be provided to the court and/or lawyers with the parties’ consent.

How to get started with your Supervised Access?

Lawyers or self-referrals are required in order to begin the intake process. Next, an individual intake appointment is required with each party (typically the custodial and non-custodial parent).
An individualized agreement and supervised access service plan is created for each family.

For more information about the supervised access program, please call 416-629-7410.

Book your free initial telephone consultation.